Feel your information flow and body through this shell layer of the body


機造影片、虛擬聊天室 / Machinima, VRchat

Inspired by online games, VR chat, virtual reality, and their digital technology characteristics, this creation attempts to use multiple dream experiences and virtual reality technology to enlighten and develop narratives and images. The multiple bodies undergo a shell transmission from the outside to the inside, resulting in a shelled body integration with fictional romance, fictosexual, and surrogate sex that ponders the fluid state of online queers and sensory bodies. Also, the 3D-modeled shelled forms and the GFX glitches in digital game visuals shape the overlapping of the internal and external spaces, creating an intermediary space within the multiple–universe space — the dream images extended from the multiple spaces.

阮柏遠在展場藉由虛構的影像和實體裝置共同指涉肉體、心靈的內外狀態,他將這些層次比擬為3D模型角色與身體邊界的殼層化。這些殼層化的軀體,結合網路愛情、虛擬性戀(Fictosexual)與替身性愛等去中心化的情慾景觀,跳脫現實空間遁入由0與1所構成的世界。在沒有邊界的狀態下,創造出一種潛存於虛擬空間、具有流動性質的網路酷兒與感官身體。阮柏遠認為,觸感視覺(haptic visuality)能藉由影像的物質性和觀者被喚起的體感關係,來感知影像。在這件作品中,表面上看來是數位遊戲視覺的破圖而形成的內外空間交疊,實際上創造出多重宇宙空間的中介區域,涵納各種情慾想像及夢境蔓延的可能。 by 莊偉慈 「Signal Z」,台北當代藝術館,台北